Thursday, April 8, 2010


Dental Anatomy

Damn…hate the new job I having now-.-
poor management, lousy supervisor, horrible environment and unfriendly staff-.-

Terrible long working hours gonna stand for freaking 10hours ):

But that is where I realise the importance of ……..



OMGod I feel damn old now, every time after work whole body for sure will be aching like mad wonder why at first I am so excited abt it-.-

haix have to rush my report....what a great holiday i having (:


Dental Anatomy

for some weird reason I feel like I am being spy or wat so ever….

just feel superb duper uncomfortable-.-

regret knowing these 2 person

you may or may not know….but since I never mention anyone'S name here don’t freaking ASSume things again and bother me.

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