Wednesday, February 24, 2010


what does holidays means to u?

-->leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure
-->vacation that people take to get rid of their normal routine and get reinvigorated to perform better in whatever profession they are in
-->day taken off or set aside for leisure and enjoyment as a break from work or usual activity
-->a period of time free from work or usual activity and given over to leisure and enjoyment
-->a day set aside by law, statute, or custom as exempt from regular work or business activities, usually to celebrate or commemorate something that happened on or near that date

all this definition are found from the internet

but why my holidays have to go back to school and complete my FYP
my holidays are filled up with FYPFYPFYP yes FYP!!!
i wonder does RP understand the word HOLIDAY!!!
u sucks man!

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